
Summary integrated annual report 2021/2022 published

CorporateNewsTuesday, 10 Jan 2023

The summary of our integrated annual report for the 2021/2022 financial year has been published. Here you can read, among other things, a brief overview of the goals achieved this year per strategic pillar, our value creation model and you can see the key figures of Royal Avebe over the past five years at a glance.

Sustainability and innovation are the two drivers that underpin the added-value strategy of Avebe. Fousert: “If we consider what we had to deal with the last financial year, we managed a strong performance and took massive strides. I’m proud of our members and our employees and of how we have posted this result together. We are aware of the cost increases and want to continue taking the necessary steps. We see Avebe as part of the solution, particularly in the transition to a more plant-based economy. The demand for our products is good and grows year on year. Of course, we will be keeping close eye on the uncertainty and developments caused by a recession.”
