
Sustainable society

Our ambition

When we promote a healthy, prosperous, and environmentally friendly lifestyle, we positively impact the lives of more than 500 million consumers. When we grow our food ingredients in a sustainable manner, we increase our turnover by 75 million euro.

Since July 2022, Avebe has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). We are committed to acting responsibly in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. We aim to have a positive impact on our entire value chain. Together with our members, employees and partners, we work towards an innovative and sustainable cooperative.

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global goals set by the United Nations in 2015 to address pressing environmental, social and economic challenges and create a more sustainable future for all by 2030. Avebe wants to have a positive impact in the short and long term. We link our long-term impact to the SDGs.

Green product portfolio

We are continuously expanding our green product portfolio, giving customers the opportunity to produce more sustainable products. We work with customers who are committed to sustainable products in the consumer market. This with the aim of creating a more sustainable and responsible future.

Life cycle analysis

We listen to the needs of our members and customers. More and more customers are asking about the footprint of our products. We have accurately mapped the lifecycle analysis results of our products. This helps our customers understand their impact and achieve their sustainability goals.

Responsible Sourcing Policy

In long global supply chains, human rights violations, corruption, and environmental damage are unfortunate familiar occurrences. This is why we only work with suppliers who share our values. In our policy, we stipulate the standards to which we hold ourselves and those we work with. Want to know more about our Responsible Sourcing Policy? Watch our webinar!

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