
Plant-based fermented yoghurts: Texture takes center stage!

Packed with live cultures for a happy gut and a delicious taste

The idea that food can be ‘good’ – creating a plant-based, clean label product with an original-like taste & texture – and still be profitable, scalable and marketable. We’re here to support you for growing demand for healthy and tasty plant-based yoghurts.  Our texture solution enables producers to tap into this thriving  market.

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Choose your base:
Almond Milk
Coconut Milk
Oat Milk
Soy Milk
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Add PerfectaSOL®, empowering you to open up a world of texture possibilities
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Get your desired texture:
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Greek-style Coconut yoghurt

Create a delicious fermented Greek-style Coconut yoghurt Greek-style. Download the recipe for inspiration.

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Stirred Oat yoghurt

Create a delicious stirred Oat yoghurt with fruit. Download the recipe for inspiration.

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Plant-based fermented yoghurt with PerfectaSOL
Don’t just make great food. Make food Good.

Our ingredients deliver optimised taste: full, smooth mouthfeel texture, perfect texture and spoonability are clean label and easy to process. Want to learn more? Get in touch with our expert Meleknur Tüzün 


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Discover all our clean label and plant-based solutions

Food manufacturers can create the best-tasting, healthy, natural and ‘free from’ food products without compromising on taste and texture. Our clean label, plant-based potato starch and protein can mimic every texture, are low cost-in-use and easy to process in existing equipment.